A shout out about keywords in blogging

I have to write a somewhat unusual post. It’s a shout out. If you’re a blogger that likes to write about living in another country as an expat, or what it’s like working in another country, cultural differences and similarities, or experiences and stories while you’ve been living abroad, please write me a comment so that I can follow you and like your posts. I’m so interested in those types of topics. Even if you don’t write about those keywords, write me anyway so that we can connect!

Signing off –

Shamim Sobhani

35 thoughts on “A shout out about keywords in blogging

  1. The lonely auther,rogermoorpoet,zdunno03,pupazzovi.,Dora bounfino,palho and copper crane.i like these bloggers very much.among them the lonely auther is not available because of his eye’s surgery.am i not boring u?if yes plz sorry.

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  2. Hi Shamim! I don’t know if my blog is really the sort of thing you’re looking for, but I grew up in Latin America, am living in the US, and traveled to the UK last year and have been writing a lot about my adventures. Not quite cultural differences in the workplace, but hopefully entertaining nonetheless 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Enjoy exploring your blog. A section of my website is called the EXpat Files where guests share an expat or other multicultural experience. I’ve “met” some fascinating people! Here is an early example from a man who grew up in South America in the 1950’s: https://cindamackinnon.wordpress.com/2013/07/14/expat-post-3-the-overseas-life-advantages-and-costs-for-a-young-boy-by-gene-waugh/…. wait let me give you one from Spain during Franco’s time! (click on “Spanish Refugees..C.Zozaya at the bottom of Gene Waugh’s post)

    Most of the posts are more modern. If anyone is interested in participating please message me here for more information: https://cindamackinnon.wordpress.com/about/

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    1. And by the way, thank you for the link of Franco’s time. I think it’s fascinating how people lived during his dictatorship, because that forms part of the present. It also helps me understand the culture here and fill in the blanks about certain things, like why people do the things they do.

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  4. Hi Shamim, I’ve been writing about cultural differences as I notice them, among other topics, as an American living in New Zealand for a bit. 🙂 I haven’t gotten deeply into issues in my writing yet, but thanks for the inspiration and challenge to do so. Looking forward to reading your blog!

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  5. Expat Canadian living abroad in Ireland/UK/America/NZ/Australia… essentially anywhere that speaks English! Just started blogging about different places I’ve been, and adventures I’ve had. Currently writing a massive article on my two years in London. Love to read about other adventures and travels. Follow for a follow?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hey there, sounds like me–4 years blogging abroad. Loving the L.I.V.E.S., hehe! Humility is key, no doubt. Lots of luck in Spain, I’ve only seen Barcelona, hope to make it to Madrid one day!

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  7. Hey there, sounds like me–4 years blogging from abroad. Loving the L.I.V.E.S., hehe! Humility is key, no doubt. Lots of luck in Spain! I’ve only seen Barcelona, hope to make it to Madrid one day. Best!

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